Sunday, 4 November 2018

Blogging for Peace

                     Dona Nobis Pacem


Friday, 26 April 2013

My Poor, Neglected Blog!

I have just realised that a complete year has passed since I wrote on this blog.

Today, I am just "signing-in" to let you know that I am still here and to thank my followers for staying on board and not deleting this blog from their lists.

Rest assured, I shall be back soon!

Thursday, 26 April 2012

A Pleasant Surprise at our local Auction House

Recently, I decided to rearrange some of the rooms in my house - not just a bit of furniture moving, but a change of use. This has involved completely clearing one room so I sent some furniture, which is now surplus to requirements, to our local Auction House.

Each Saturday, there are five auctions and it is possible to buy and sell items ranging from pot plants to heavy machinery, televisions, computers and other electrical items, white goods, as well as antique and secondhand furniture, paintings, china, books and other collectable items. They also hold specialist antiques sales every month.

Many people, including myself, go to auctions from time to time, but for some people it is a regular Saturday occupation; online bidding is available, but nothing can replace the atmosphere in the saleroom - the thrill of securing a bargain and the buzz of excitement when a lot fetches far more than anyone (including the Auctioneer) expects.

Last Saturday, some of my furniture was sold and the piece for which I had been told to expect very little made more than any of my other items - we are not talking "big money" but it was a pleasant surprise!

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Happy Easter

It is a little more than a year since I started this blog. A big thank you to those of you who have continued to follow my infrequent ramblings and for the comments I have received. It is an achievement to have written something, however inconsequential, which provokes a response! A Happy Easter to you all.

The disappointing, but not unexpected, change in the weather has led to a quiet weekend - some much needed tidying up; sending Easter Greetings via the various technologies - phone, text, email and even Facebook - yes, I have taken another very cautious step into the modern world - will it be Twitter next?

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

The Freezer - Advantages and Disadvantages

I am a relatively recent convert to the concept of mass frozen food storage.

Six years ago the freezer part of the fridge-freezer with which I had managed for about 20 years stopped working. Being reluctant to get rid of a perfectly good fridge and feeling a bit short of freezer space, I decided to replace the 'freezer area' with a chest freezer and an upright freezer which were offered to me 'nearly new'.

The additional space has been extremely useful in enabling me to take advantage of special offers and it is good to know that there is always plenty of food in the house. However, there are times when I either forget to defrost something or don't fancy what I had planned to eat!

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

How we dispose of unwanted items

The need to declutter, which I have mentioned in previous posts, has made me think about the various options available for disposal of unwanted items and how these have changed over the years.

Years ago, many towns had regular auctions and several antique/secondhand shops to which one could take reasonable items of furniture, china, books, clothes, etc. and then there were jumble/secondhand sales and the rag and bone/scrap metal man, who came round with his truck, for the residue.

Now ebay and other online sites have replaced many of the local auctions, car boot sales and charity shops (which are so overwhelmed with goods that they have to throw away not just rubbish but items of some value such as secondhand books in good condition) have taken the place of everything from antique shops to jumble sales and one has to go to the scrap metal yard, visit the bottle bank or recycling site, or 'go to the tip'. It is disturbing to see perfectly good furniture, etc., which could be of great help to a family on low income for example, taken to the tip or just dumped in a skip.

Recently, a few shops have opened in conjunction with the pawnbroking trade but the range of goods with which they deal appears very limited - mainly digital cameras, computers etc. and some sporting equipment.

Does it worry you that you might be 'dumping' items which could be of value/assistance to someone else or is life 'just too short'?

Monday, 2 April 2012

A Scenic Route

The remarkable weather has continued for a few more days, albeit somewhat colder, but still wonderfully sunny.

This morning, three of us took advantage of this to visit a friend in the country; we were following vague and somewhat misleading directions and became completely lost. When we finally arrived, about half an hour late, we had travelled along country lanes and enjoyed some very pretty countryside much enhanced by the cloudless sky and brilliant sunshine - all the fields were coming to life and flowers were popping up in the hedgerows - definitely the scenic route.

After coffee and some interesting conversation which involved much reminiscing, we returned via the direct route but even from the main roads, we could appreciate the views and say that Spring had arrived.

Cold weather and even snow is forecast for later in the week, so I am pleased that we made the effort to go out today.